What is this?
Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition was my first meaningful exposure to the hobby and I loved every bit of it. In fact, the more I look at 4th edition now, the more I appreciate it and wish it was better received. It is a game that has amazing options for the players and even more incredible tools for the Dungeon Masters.
I use this journal to share my thoughts on 4e and general TTRPG topics.
How often do you publish content?
The guidance usually given to content creators is that they should be consistent and have a schedule that they stick to. Well, that is not me! This is a hobby. I do it for fun. I love growing a community of 4e enthusiasts, but I cannot keep to a rigid schedule.
I might publish several things one week and then you might not hear from me for a month—or more.
The best I can say is that I publish when I have something that I think is worth sharing.
Why subscribe?
As a subscriber, you will get the new posts in your inbox as soon as they are published.
Subscribers are my XP. Every new subscriber motivates me to create new content and continue the adventure.
Why get a paid subscription?
I am not a big business. I am just a guy that likes to talk about D&D and make D&D content. I share most everything freely to all subscribers. After a few weeks, the posts go into the archive which is accessible only to paid subscribers. That is about the only benefit of paying for a subscription.
Outside of my sincere appreciation for your generosity and access to the archive, I do not have much else to offer.
Is that AI art?
It doesn’t take a keen eye to recognize that some AI art will pop-up in my posts. I know that this can be a touchy subject. For this reason, I have a full write-up on why and how I use AI art. You can check it out here.
How can I support the journal?
Beyond subscribing to the journal, there are several things you can do to help.
If you enjoy a post or note, please click the ‘like’ button and add your comments. This will encourage others to do the same and help to grow the community. Sharing links to the posts is another great way to help spread the message.
I understand that a monthly, or yearly, paid subscription is not right for everyone—especially when I do not offer much anything in the way of rewards. A one-time contribution through PayPal or Ko-Fi is just as helpful in showing your support.1
Use this affiliate link when you make purchases at DriveThruRPG. It helps to support the journal at no additional cost to you.
I sometimes post videos over on my YouTube channel. Please like, comment, and share as desired and make sure you subscribe to the channel.
Most of all, I want you to enjoy what I create. Look around and share your thoughts.
Donations are processed through Shenanigans Media LLC